Over the years, as new features have been added to firmCHANNEL, ease of use remains a key design goal for every project ensuring users can get up and running with very little training.
The digital signage demo went well. The presenter made it look easy to use and the playback looked good. You were sold on their digital signage system, so you took the plunge and purchased their media players, screens and installation services. Its now been several months since the system was installed and the “learning” stage is over but your content is not playing as it was demonstrated. You’ve worked with your supplier but it’s just not working. You know the benefits of digital signage and want to continue using it; however, you need to find a more reliable provider. But what about all that equipment you invested in? Retrofitting your existing hardware investment might be an option for you.
"At Corum Digital, our team of experienced professionals will review your hardware to determine what it will take to retrofit your existing equipment."
At Corum Digital, our team of experienced professionals will review your hardware to determine what it will take to retrofit your existing equipment. Our certification process for third party hardware thoroughly tests the capabilities of your existing media players to ensure that they will be compatible with our media player software. In many cases, we are able to remotely replace your existing media player software while they are in place, avoiding the cost and time of unmounting, shipping, and re-mounting the players.
When it comes to the software that controls content distribution and remote players, Corum Digital’s software is cloud based, meaning there are absolutely no onsite servers to purchase, setup and maintain. In fact, the media players require no access to any internal resources, so they can be placed on their own, separate network for increased security. Once your media players have been converted and assigned to your own Server, they will be ready to pull content and begin playing.
Switching to a new Digital Signage provider doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive and can lead to a much more positive experience. With Corum Digital specifically, to help with the transition and ongoing usage of our digital signage platform, we offer unlimited training and support at no extra cost. When you contact Corum Digital for support or training, there are no support levels, you will always be working with our most experienced people. One thing that isn’t always considered but is very important, is that all development and support is done in-house. There is no offshore support or third-party development.

Switching to a new Digital Signage provider doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive
If you are looking to move to a new digital signage platform, please reach out to us at info@corumdigital.ocm and we’ll connect you with one of our digital signage specialists.